Monday, April 14, 2008

Jonah's birthday

This morning we played with Baby Ezra. His newest tricks are clapping his hands, and crawling around the house. He's working on his first tooth, so he's been kind of grumpy.
We went to Jonah's 5 year old birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese. Ate pizza for dinner. I think I had more fun playing the games than Hannah did, seeing that she didn't even understand most of them, even though she kept pressing all the buttons. We turned in our tickets for tootsie roll pops, then went to MOPS.

No new moms came to our meeting - but two of the MOPS Area Coordinators did! They were so incredibly encouraging and supportive! They gave me a huge bag full of ministry resources, leaderships books and dvds, MOPS doorprizes like pens and notepads, ect. I cannot wait to use them all!!!!

I felt so blessed that they visited and shared ideas with us. It was a great time.
I hope that Esther can find a fitting leadership role when she moves to Idaho, because I'm sure her head is as full of good ideas as mine is!

I truly felt God's presence with us at that meeting tonight. Lightheaded, dizzying love and peace and calm, an almost indescribable holy feeling, that could only come from the Holy Spirit.

I can't wait to see how God works in our lives in the days and weeks and months to come!

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