Sunday, December 14, 2008

"Two Are Better Than One": 911

"Two Are Better Than One": 911
Wow, thank you God for saving Jonathan's life!
Im so glad he turned around quickly and didnt need medical transport or anything else.A
And way to go Krissy, for being calm enough to remember what to do! How neat, that the medic mom had quads! I might be married to a medic, but that doesn't mean that I don't need a little refresher, too. It's been almost 5 years since I took a CPR course, ooops.


Krissy said...

Thanks for praising God with us Nicole!

I am actually trying to plan some "CPR Parties" at my house in response to our scare with Jonathan. Wish you lived closer! Mike could teach them!

Nicole said...

Youre welcome! I dont know how I made that into a linked entry though. Must have pressed the wrong button. Oh well.
Mike has then ext 5 weeks off, so he could teach CPR classes! But mostly he'll be helping out with Hannah while I have a baby.